Phone Number Search
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What is a Phone Number Lookup?

A phone number lookup is a service that helps you find out who is calling you from a given phone number. You can use this service to find out the name and address of the person or business associated with the phone number, as well as other information about them.

With this information, you can then decide whether or not to answer the call or even block the number if you don't want to receive any more calls from it.

What Information Can be Found via Phone Number Search?

Owner of the Call

CocoLookup can help you find out the owner of the phone number that has been calling you. We will provide you with the name and address of the person, age, education, and a lot more.

Contact Info

Searching a phone number with CocoLookup will give you access to the contact information of the owner. This includes their email address, address, and any data found in public records.


With only a phone number, CocoLookup can give you the full address of the owner. This is a valuable bit of data on the off chance that you need to find out where they live or work.


Did you know that you can find out who someone's relatives are with a phone number lookup? CocoLookup can help you find out the names, ages, and addresses of the person's relatives.

Job Profile

CocoLookup can help you find out the previous job positions of the person associated with the phone number. We will provide you with the name and address of the employer, as well as the dates of employment.

Date of Birth

With just a phone number lookup, CocoLookup can help you find out the date of birth of the person associated with the number.

When to use a Reverse Phone Number Lookup

Identify Missed Callers

Not sure if you should call that unknown number back? A CocoLookup phone number lookup can help you find out who the caller is and whether or not they're worth your time.

Look up Skeptical Numbers

Does that number belong to a scammer? or maybe you're just curious about who called you. Use CocoLookup to find out all the information associated with the phone number, including the owner's name, address, and even criminal records.

Verify a Person

Are you meeting someone for the first time? Use CocoLookup to find out more about them before you meet. You can find out their full name, addresses, and even criminal records. You can never be too safe!

Discover a Phone Scam

Have you been getting calls from a suspicious number? With CocoLookup, you can quickly find out if the number is a scammer. Simply enter the number in our search bar and hit enter. All the information you need will be displayed on the screen, including the owner's name, address, and criminal records.

Why Use CocoLookup for a Phone Number Search?

Easy and Time-Saving

CocoLookup is the easiest and most time-saving reverse phone number lookup service. We provide you with everything you need to know about a phone number, all in one place.

Swift and Accurate

With our large database of over 1 billion records, you can be sure that we will have the information you're looking for. Our reverse phone number lookup is also one of the most accurate in the industry.

Free Updates

We regularly update our database with new information, so you can be sure that you're getting the most accurate results possible. If there are any changes to the information associated with a phone number, we'll update our records, so you have the most up-to-date information.

How to Find Out Who Called You?

It's simple to learn more about the person who called you. Enter the phone number in the search box of the website to begin a reverse phone search. You can then use its database to look up the owner's name, address, and other information. 

Follow these four steps to get started:

01. Step 1:
If it isn’t already selected, type reverse phone into the search box at the top of the list.

02. Step 2:
Enter the caller’s phone number.

03. Step 3:
On your keyboard, press enter to hit “Search”.

04. Step 4:
Look over the phone number search result list for the phone number you’re looking for.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What can I search for with CocoLookup?

From phone numbers and email addresses to people and addresses, you can find all sorts of information with CocoLookup. It's the perfect way to find out more about anyone, whether you're looking for an old friend or trying to find out more about a new one.

Q2: What Information Will I Get from CocoLookup?

When you perform a search on CocoLookup, you'll be able to find out the owner's name, address, and any other public records like criminal records, property records, and more.

Don't worry, all of the information you'll find is public record, so you don't have to worry about breaking any laws.

Q3: Is CocoLookup Legit and Accurate?

Yes, CocoLookup is a legitimate and accurate way to find information about people and phone numbers. We have a large database of over 1 billion records, so you can be sure that we'll have the information you're looking for. Plus, our reverse phone number lookup is one of the most accurate in the industry, so you can trust the results you're getting.

Q4: Where does the data come from?

All of the data on CocoLookup comes from public records. This includes things like:

  • Court Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Public Records
  • Country Records
  • State Records
  • Federal Records
  • Deep Web Data
  • Social Media Information

We regularly update our database to ensure that you're getting the most accurate information possible.

Q5: How Fast is the Search?

The search is usually very fast, but it depends on the amount of information you're looking for and the number of results in our database. In most cases, you should be able to get your results within a few seconds. No more wasting time waiting for results!

What Our Customers Saying About Us

Woodie Garner

It's the best free app I have found, out of dozens tried. Pretty accurate locating my 5 phones.

Jennifer Foster

It gives the name and address of the phone number you look up. Better than any other I've used.

Get Started with Your First Reverse Phone Lookup Today!

Don't want to answer a call from an unknown number? Use CocoLookup to find out who the caller is and whether or not you want to take the call. This can be useful for avoiding unwanted sales calls or telemarketers.